Daniel Ridings

Bräckavägen 17
SE-437 42 Lindome, Sweden
Home St. Louis Edwardsville, Il. Recent Bio


Most of the pictures on these pages were taken while getting from one place to the next, that is, by just walking around. The pictures from St. Louis were taken on my way to work. The ones labeled "Jefferson and Russell" were taken while waiting for the bus at that intersection. Almost all were taken with one of Leica's M-models. I borrowed Bill Ward's, an M-2, until I could afford one of my own; first an M-3 and then an M-4 too. They've held up well. I bought them in the early 70's and still use them. At the moment they are both down in Germany getting repaired and renovated. They tend to get dented when you throw and drop them on Göteborg's granite cobble-stones. No big deal ... the shutters needed adjusted anyway.
